Thursday, January 20, 2011

Taylor's Lost It O.o

Okay, you guys, it's Allie. For those of you who don't know, I'm dating this guy, Garrett, and his friggen awesome but y'all know how Tay gets when it comes to me liking/dating/having a fling with a guy. She wrote out an application form (along with her standard rules) and sent it to him over Facebook. She's lost her friggen mind but we all still love her. Anyway, she wanted me to post this cuz I have funny pictures.

Application Form:

Application For Dating My Best Friend
1. Explain what "NO" means to you.
2. Do you own or drive a van? Yes/No
(If yes, stop filling out this form)
3. How would you least like to be eaten?
4. Which is the last bone you want broken?
5. What do you want to be IF you grow up?
6. What is Allison's full name?
7. Does your underwear have pictures or word on the outside? Yes/No
(if so stop filling this out)
8 Do you now, or have you ever fought a bear? Yes/No
9. Do you want to be Buried or Cremated?
10. A piece of advice... break my friend's heart, and you will die. So don't hurt her. How do you take upon this?
11. How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
12. Do you like tacos?
13. Will you be nice to Allison's friends?
14. What your opinion on "Killing Ashley and Tara" project people have been talking about lately?
15. How would you take her out on a first date?
16. What's her favorite color?
17. What kind of guitar does she have?
18. Would you take a bullet for her?
19. How many trees have eaten your left shoe? (don't lie!)
20. Would u rather go through a sausage grinder or a meat tenderizer?
21. What's the square root of 12?
22. Do you drive?
23. Do you know what the meaning of life is?
24. Pirates or ninjas?
25. How would you comfort her?
26. What are Allison's fears?
27. Do you believe in ghosts, demons, and that jazz?
28. do you like to wipe your hair back and forth?
29. Do you hate Justine Beaver?
30. Name 5 bands/artiest that Allison loves.
31. What is her bra size?
32. Name 5 events that happened from Allison's blog post "Twitch and the corn maze"
33. Do you like waffles?
34. Do you like pancakes?
35. Do you like French toast?
36. Now do you know when to back off when you know there is going to be a GIRLS night out?
37. Respite the ABC's
38. When life sucks what do you blame it on?
39. What is your opinion on llamas?
40. How did you meet Allison?
41. Will you respect her?
42. Will you respect her friends (including me)?
43. What would you buy for her on her day of birth?
44. Can you believe it's not butter?
45. What do you like about Allison?
46. Do you eat your veggies?
47. What are 5 of Allison's favorite movies?
48. Do you sparkle?
(if so stop filling this out or I'll stake you)
49. Will you eat her cooking?
(its YUMMY!)

a) List references of the last three girls you dated and reason for break up.
b)If you break my best friend's heart, refer to question #9.
c)Remember I will always love her more.
d)Also remember I write songs I can publicly humiliate you. :3
If you didn't laugh your asses all the way off yet, here's her rules:
10 Rules For Dating My Best Friend
(follow these rules and you will survive, remember I will always love her more!)
1. Break her heart I BREAK YOUR FACE! :3
2. You make her cry I shall send Fred my flying green llama who lives in my bathtub after you. (yes he is real)
3. If you hurt her in any way, shape or form I'll stuff you in my closet and the thing alive in there will eat you. :)
4. If you cheat on her (I trust you won't but this is just precaution) I will write mean songs about you and burry you alive :)
5. Don't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do or I will eat you :3
6. You stalk her I will throw you off the side of a building! that's MY job (not yours)
7. Get too close I shall call a restraining order.
8. If you don't love her with all your heart I will send a band of oompa loompa hippies and their pet squirrels after you (yay squirrels!)
9.When you start driving and you come over to her house and I'm there don't think your picking anything up :3
10. Be nice to her friends or you might find yourself in a pickle......jar :3
She's making him like monthly pop quizzes about me and shit O.o she'll be his period!! Here's something random to look at.

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